To travel is to live….
Our passion is to travel and to explore the world. As the author Hans Christian Andersen said: To travel is to live - this has been the philosophy of our lives.
We love to get acquainted with new countries, cultures and people - and when we are not actively traveling ourselves, we take great pleasure in welcoming guests in our hotels instead, and meet people from all over the world at our own place instead. We love to tell our own stories - and get to know yours…..
So who are we?
Bjarne is a commercial pilot and has been flying all over Europe, been a flight instructor in Buenos Aires, Captain with Ethiopian Airlines with base in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and is now a Boing 747 - Jumbojet Captain with Air Atlantic and carries out flights all over the world, from Shanghai to Nairobi, Congo Brazzaville, Indonesia, New York - you name it, he goes there :-)
Suzette worked for the Danish Company Kjaer Group for 18 years, in the automotive industry and traveled around Asia, the Caucasus, Europe, the USA and Africa. After she spent 11 years living in Africa, 8 years in Ethiopia and after 3 years in Ghana as MD for Alliance Motors, representing Jaguar and Land Rover.
Now we are lucky enough to be able to realize our dream of running a hotel and restaurant in both Denmark and France.
When the trips don't go up into the clouds, you can meet Bjarne as a waiter in the restaurant, as a practical handyman or Bjarne's favorite occupation: serving breakfast to our guests and, not least, having a nice chat
Suzette takes care of the hotel and the restaurants, has taken patisserie training at the Cordon Bleu in Paris, and became a sommelier in 2020 - and loves learning new things in the kitchen and enjoying the guests
The old post office in the judicial town of Holsted forms the setting for the Boutique Hotel Postgården. The surroundings offer lovely nature, with beautiful walking paths, including along Holsted Å.
Boutique Hotel Postgården bears the stamp of our travels, as all the rooms have themes based on our own lives - for example, we have the Emperor's Addis Ababa and our honeymoon suite, Karen Blixen & Dennis Finch-Hatton.
We look forward to inviting you on the journey into our world.
Our vision
Our vision is to contribute to creating growth in the countryside in Denmark, so that the rural municipalities become attractive again, with activity in the villages, tourists - and life! Unfortunately, the trend over the past several years has been the closing of businesses and commercial activity in the countryside, and has created the unattractive word fringe Denmark....
But - a country is more than just the big cities, and we are inspired by France - where we have a hotel in a small village - to pursue a dream of launching projects that can create LIFE and ACTIVITY in the countryside in Denmark, and entice people to both to visit and perhaps dare to settle in the rural areas.
With our boutique hotel Postgården, we want to show that rural Denmark also has something unique to offer. We offer inside our own adventure from the world, from Africa and from France, with which we have a special connection.
Our little world also offers a restaurant with French temptations, function rooms in the quiet of the forest, wellness and a hairdresser - and even a drive-in ice cream cafe. 'You spread yourself too far' someone will, we create LIFE in the countryside! The journey has only just begun - the ambitions and not least the ideas are unimaginable...
Therefore, we also focus on using local suppliers of raw materials where possible - of course also with a focus on ecology and sustainability.
Support and buy locally - and book directly! Then we help each other to create growth in the small communities.
Når turene ikke går op i skyerne, kan man møde Bjarne som tjener i restauranten, som praktisk alt-mulig-mand eller Bjarnes favorit beskæftigelse: servere morgenmad til vores gæster og ikke mindst at få en hyggelig snak
Suzette tager sig af hotel og restauranterne, har taget patisserie uddannelse på Cordon Bleu i Paris, og blev i 2020 sommelier - og elsker at lære nyt i køkkenet og hygge om gæsterne
Nu er vi så heldige at kunne realisere vores drøm om at drive hotel og restaurant, i både Danmark og Frankrig.
Det gamle posthus i dommerbyen Holsted danner rammerne om Boutique Hotel Postgården. Omgivelserne byder på dejlig natur, med smukke gå-stier, blandt andet langs Holsted Å.
Boutique Hotel Postgården bærer præg af vores rejser, idet alle værelserne har temaer efter vores eget liv - f.eks har vi Kejserens Addis Ababa og vores honeymoon suite, Karen Blixen & Dennis Finch-Hatton.
Vi glæder os til at byde jer med på rejsen i vores verden.
Vores vision
Vores vision er at bidrage til at skabe vækst på landet i Danmark, så landkommunerne igen bliver attraktive, med aktivitet i landsbyerne, turister - og liv! Tendensen de seneste mange år har desværre været lukning af forretninger og kommerciel aktivitet på landet, og har skabt det lidet attraktive ord udkants-Danmark….
Men - et land er mere end blot storbyerne, og vi er inspireret af Frankrig - hvor vi har hotel i en lille landsby - til at forfølge en drøm om at søsætte projekter som kan skabe LIV og AKTIVITET på landet i Danmark, og lokke folk til både at besøge og måske turde bosætte sig i landdistrikterne.
Vi vil med vores boutique hotel Postgården vise, at også Danmark på landet har noget unikt at byde på. Vi byder indenfor i vores eget eventyr fra verden, fra Afrika og fra Frankrig, som vi har en speciel tilknytning til.
Vores lille verden byder også restaurant med franske fristelser, selskabslokaler i skovens stille ro, wellness og frisør - og ligefrem en drive-in is-cafe. ‘I spreder jer for vidt’ vil nogen sige….nej, vi skaber LIV på landet! Rejsen er kun lige begyndt - ambitionerne og ikke mindst ideerne er uanede…
Derfor fokuserer vi også på at benytte lokale leverandører af råvarer, hvor det er muligt - naturligvis også med fokus på økologi og bæredygtighed.
Støt og køb ind lokalt - og book direkte ! Så hjælper vi hinanden med at skabe vækst i de små samfund.